About us
Founded in Daytona Beach 2024 by seasoned operators of property
management, construction and inspections.
The team of drykit came together knowing one pain point that remains unsolved
to this very day: the heavy costs of moisture and mold damage across the
great state of Florida.
The reality of moisture and mold affects all of us, daily, in different ways.
Our conclusion? It is high time we adress this issue. And so, we went on
to scour the markets for a long time to find solutions but nothing quite
scratched this particular itch.
After some talking, we finally said:
"We need to partner up with producers and create Sensors that are battery
free, last a very long time and can be easily installed without causing a
ruckus." Because who has time to replace pesky batteries every few months?
The sensor will then monitor your space, and with a simple scan, warn you ahead of time that moisture is accumulating.
In the best of worlds: there is no moisture and you can go on with
your life.
But, some of the time, there will be - and, since the scans are regular and
you get to know early? The repairs can be done easily, with minimal cost
to you and no need to refurbish the whole bathroom just for that tiny fix.
Welcome to the future. Let’s get you started!